You can support us once or for a long time, through or directly on the site.
Two percent. The term, known to everyone, is often inflected during this period.
We would like to ask you to remit 2% of your tax to us. Why? You can only decide on two percent of the total amount paid. Remittance of two percent of the tax paid does not cost you anything. Therefore, it would be a shame not to give these two percent to someone who can use them meaningfully.
The statistics of the General Prosecutor`s Office of the Slovak Republic show that the occurrence of the so-called domestic violence has quadrupled during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our civic association WOMAN IN NEED has been providing comprehensive specialized counseling to women experiencing violence in intimate relationships and their children for almost 17 years. State support for women experiencing violence is minimal. Therefore, we want to ask you for support in this way. We need help to help.
We also saw a significant change last year. During the first wave of the coronavirus pandemic, we recorded a twofold increase in the number of clients compared to the same period in 2020 and an overall increase in the number of contacts by 57% compared to the same period in 2020. In addition, there were many women in Slovakia who help
Outpatient and telephone counseling is the basis of our work, so in 2021, thanks to your 2%, women experiencing violence could call us free of charge, for which we would also sincerely thank you on their behalf. The dedication of your 2% to the civic association WOMAN IN NEED will be an existential help for us, especially this year. Of your 2%, we can ensure the continuous operation of counseling areas where we work with women and children.
IBAN: SK4411110000006628941006
Business name: ŽENA V TIESNI
Legal form: civic association
Address: P. O. BOX 70, 036 01, Martin
ID: 37974581
VAT number: 2022071447
All necessary forms can be found at If you would like to support us with a financial donation, you can contact us via the e-mail address:, where we will provide you with the necessary information.
Thank you for helping us.
How to do it:
1) Until 15.2. ask the employer to make an annual settlement and let him or her know that you want to pay your percentages.
2 % - then ask your employer to issue you with an Income Tax Certificate. If you have decided to donate your 2%, please fill in the pre-filled Tax Declaration form. Find out the date of the tax payment from the Confirmation and then calculate 2% of your tax paid - this is the amount you can pay to our organization. However, this amount must be at least € 3.
3 % - You can pay taxes if you have volunteered for at least 40 hours and present a Certificate from the organization for which you volunteered that year. If you have volunteered for our organization, you will receive a certificate of completion of volunteering via contact
1 % - as a legal entity you can provide 1% of the legal entity`s income. This is the maximum amount you can pay in favor of the beneficiary / beneficiaries. Calculated 1% (or 2%) of your income tax, a legal entity can be divided between a maximum of 8 recipients. The minimum amount that the PO can remit to one recipient is € 8. If you donated at least 0.5% of the tax to the public benefit fund by the deadline for filing the tax return and paying the tax last year, you can remit 2% of the tax - you will indicate in the tax return that you remit 2% of the tax.
2) Deliver both forms, i.e. the Declaration on a separate sheet and the Confirmation of tax payment on a separate sheet, or the Confirmation of completion of volunteer work by 30.4. to the tax office according to your place of residence or electronically by 31.3.
We will be grateful if you let us know about yourself by ticking the consent to send your data in the Declaration/Tax return, so that we can thank you.
2) Obe tlačivá, teda Vyhlásenie na samostatnom liste a Potvrdenie o zaplatení dane na samostatnom liste, prípadne Potvrdenie o odpracovaní dobrovoľníckej činnosti doručte do 30.4. na daňový úrad podľa vášho bydliska alebo elektronicky do 31.3.
Budeme Vám vďačné, ak nám dáte o sebe vedieť tým, že zaškrtnete súhlas so zaslaním Vašich údajov vo Vyhlásení/Daňovom priznaní, aby sme sa Vám mohli poďakovať.